
Drama-create your own character task

Devilish character for Willy  and the chocolate factory Name:blue bell Talent:lying and stealing Family:dad;Willy wonka Job:factory leader Age:19 Siblings:one younger sister Hobbies:eating candy, tricking people Favorite season Halloween  This is Willy wonkas son ,his name is blue bell. Unlike his father ,blue bell  was evil but  Something similar to his father is that he liked candy and chocolate.instead of selling his own brand he copied his dads but changed the name, colors and theme See how similar it is! Wonka was devastated when his son started doing this but only wanted the best for him they continued they’re business although silly wonkas factory got less people than before. Blue bell continued stealing his sweets ideas and themes until he reached the top and his fathers factory shut down,Ever since they haven’t spoke again

TASK 4- Reflection

  Name:         leen                                       Date       8/11/20                    form:7D Year 7 Revolting Rhymes Reflection - Lesson:    Learning Question:  How can I acknowledge my progress at different aspects of the process within the unit? Outcomes:  1.  To reflect on own performance and identify strengths and improvements to be made 2.  Identify literacy devices used to structure your work  3.   To reflect on your/groups performance: Planning, Rehearsal, Problems and final Performance 4.  To reflect on other groups performances. Giving and sharing feedback.   Activity:  To complete a written reflection on the unit, process, product and the artwork created. You can complete by filling in boxes below or creating your own document.     Please  refer to &  use  the keywords in tables below to include in your written answers. Answer using full sentences. You can remove questions when  you have finished. Aim to answer all questions. Highlight the questions you have a


                                                                                                                  TASK 2- PROCESS & PRODUCT Bi: demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied-  by applying literary devices, language and rhyming verses to create rhyme Cii: identifies alternative and perspective -  editing and revising of lines  A) Under this task heading show evidence of your ideas- This means verses you have written or constructed.  TITLE; RED IS NEARLY  DEAD VERSE 1; 1.the wolf Is about to have dinner 2.he cooked her up so she'd simmer 3.the wolf said "ooo some good meat" 4. as he glared  "what a plate so neat"  5. immedaltley grandmas dead 6. red  wondering why she not  in bed? 7.the girl was full with hunger 8.she walked as she would stutter 9.hungry  and starving like a lion 10.she   seriously felt like dying VERSE 2; 1.poor girl found a small  shop 2.then on the ground she  went DROP 3.fa

Task 1- Artistic Vision- Ci: identify an artistic intention

  Task 1 - Artistic Vision-  Ci: identify an artistic intention Artistic intention simple means your ideas vision for your work in this case your Rhyme Outline ideas for Rhyme with imaginative characters and plot lines Create a brainstorm or mind map like the diagram shown below to complete these activities. You might have to do this on Microsoft word then copy on your BLOG.  A) PLOT- type this heading in the middle and come up with ideas of  plots, events that are key to the story that you would like to include in your Revolting Rhyme TYPE OF IDEAS AND PLOTS; dark humor eg; cindrella gets fired from being a princess person gets trapped unexpected turns a surprising ending  evil characters world destruction bloody B ) CHARACTERS - type this heading in middle then come up with  characters  you would like to include in your Revolting Rhyme Characters cindrella step sister 1 step sister 2 hunter evil queen

DRAMA- Revolting Rhymes Project Outline - Lesson 6 7th October

  BLOG POST TITLE:          DRAMA- Revolting Rhymes Project Outline - Lesson  6  7th October Global Context:  Personal & Cultural Expression Statement of inquiry:  Developing expression entertains an audience Key Concept : Perspective Learning Question:  How can you create your own revolting Rhyme or Story? Outcomes: 1.  To use Imagination to create original idea and rhyming verse 2.  Understand Creative process: Discuss – Plan – Write plot – Characters - Rehearse 3.  Contribute ideas to enhance group work (if you choose to work in a group or pair)                                                                                                                                                   Project Outline         For this project you are asked to create your own  Revolting Rhyme. This means that you will write an original piece of art and perform showing application of skills and techniques for this art form.  DEADLINE 28th October You could base your story on an existing tale t