intro to Drama lesson 1 9/9/20


 Drama lesson 1

LQ:what skills would I need to develop in drama?

Wednesday 9th of September 2020

 Extra task ,Talking about the videos BTS:

props:hay bales, fake pig,

sound; happy good music, animal noises in the background, clear sound

actors; young,enthusiasium, a bit confusing

Activity 1:

write down acting experiences you've had

  • I was in a PE production because I do gymnastics level 5
  • across primary every year each class would have a production and in 2 out of 6 I was the main charecter or one of the main characters 
  • last but not least I  helped with the props and making them for a  the year 4 production
Activity 2:

Introduction to Unit 1 Play Games- Improvisation

1. Clap and response(done)

2. Leading-  Follow the gestures(done)

3.  Mime(done)

4. Expressions- emotions(done)

5.  I spy(done)

6. Improvisation

7. Who am I?

Activity 3: Copy and paste list of skills & complete activity a, b & c below on Blogger Post. Complete activity.

Drama Skills Audit:

Vocals      Character  Mime     Movement       Gesture    Improvisation       Sustain Role    Imagination
Using props/Costumes      Interaction     Expression     Collaboration    Listening
Leading      Contributing     Confidence     Timing    Audience Awareness       Mime
Spatial Awareness     Role Play        Emotions        Creativity       Using Stimuli
Levels        Acting       Reflection    Co-operation      Rhyming Verse       Creating Plot

a) Highlight skills in Green that you are good at
b) Highlight skills in Yellow you would like to better at
c) Highlight skills in Pink skills you are not familiar with at all.


Did you participate in a variety of games? YES

What did you enjoy the most? I SPY

Can you identify any of the skills highlighted above you used in the activities/warm-up's we did?we did miming ,co operation and more

How would you describe your level of engagement today? high


Add some keywords to Drama Title page from todays list.


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