DRAMA- Revolting Rhymes - Lesson 5 Writing a Revolting Rhyme-

Arts BLOG - DRAMA- Revolting Rhymes - Lesson 5 Writing a Revolting Rhyme- 
4th Oct 2020 Lesson 5 Writing a Revolting Rhyme
 Learning Question: How can you write your own Revolting Rhyme?

1. To understand Rhyming Verse and Timing (Communication skills) 
 2. Understand and use Creativity (Creative Thinking) 
 3. Work as a team and contribute ideas (Collaboration, organisation) Keywords Artform Features Activity )

1: (STARTER) Re-cap Imagine you are a chef. You have to make a Revolting Rhyme Cake. 
 List atleast 3 ingredients you will need. 
 a) dark humor
 b) ryhming words
 c) surprising endings
 d) plot twist
 e) emotion
 f) violence
 g) tragic ending
 Ingredients really means the features of the art form. 
 Activity 2:
 Practice your creative writing skills by completing Complete the Revolting Rhymes of these well-known tale examples by coming up with at least 4 NEW lines. Try using Rhyming verses - Practice using try rhyming couplets to complete new pairs of lines! Come up with ideas inline with the features of what you expect to see in a artform studied Revolting Rhyme

Example 1 :  Cinderella 

Resource to watch for ideas  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtXGmnR9F5Y

The Ugly Sisters, jewels and all,

Departed for the Palace Ball,

While darling little Cinderella

Was locked up in a slimy cellar,

Where rats who wanted things to eat,

Began to nibble at her feet.

New lines

1. cindrella is in pain

2. not to mention in pure vain

3.thankfully, she's nearly dead

4. since the queen will cut her head 

5.her sisters watched her cry

6. hoped that  she would finally  die

Example 2:                                    Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Resource to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3uVQIhSYfY

As soon as Wolf began to feel

That he would like a decent meal,

He went and knocked on Grandma's door.

When Grandma opened it, she saw

The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,

And Wolfie said, ``May I come in?''

Poor Grandmamma was terrified,

He's going to eat me up!'' she cried.

New lines

1.the wolf Is about to have dinner

2.he cooked her up so she'd simmer

3.the wolf said "ooo some good meat"

4. as he glared  "what a plate so neat"

 5. immedaltley grandmas dead

6. red  wondering why she not  in bed?

Activity 3:

Chose one of the examples you completed to practice and perform; applying expression and rhythm. Skills of the the artform

Reflection: against the lesson outcomes record  considering  the questions below?

1.What does the term artform  mean? Art form is the type of art your referring to like now we are referring to is revolting rhymes in total its the type of art

2.What is your Knowledge now of how to write rhyming verses (using literacy devices, imagination vocabulary etc.) ryming verses mostly have to be on beat and same sylables that ryme

3. Creativity- how did you show creativity- what is you refer to use (imagination, knowledge of story, use of humor) I used dark imaginative great humor that's funny but dark

What went well (WWW) we improved are lines and worked well together

Even better if (EBI) maybe we could've fixed the amount of syllables a bit more


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