
Showing posts from December, 2020

Drama-create your own character task

Devilish character for Willy  and the chocolate factory Name:blue bell Talent:lying and stealing Family:dad;Willy wonka Job:factory leader Age:19 Siblings:one younger sister Hobbies:eating candy, tricking people Favorite season Halloween  This is Willy wonkas son ,his name is blue bell. Unlike his father ,blue bell  was evil but  Something similar to his father is that he liked candy and chocolate.instead of selling his own brand he copied his dads but changed the name, colors and theme See how similar it is! Wonka was devastated when his son started doing this but only wanted the best for him they continued they’re business although silly wonkas factory got less people than before. Blue bell continued stealing his sweets ideas and themes until he reached the top and his fathers factory shut down,Ever since they haven’t spoke again